Greater Than

The God Who Is Greater Than My Disappointment
(Gene Appel @ Willow Creek Community Church)

Answer the following questions first and then fill in the corresponding blanks below. Don’t peek or you will ruin the surprise!
1 — What is your first Name ______________?
2 — What do you Love to do ____________________________? (Hobbies / Interests)
3 — What do you Dream of doing someday __________________________?
4 — What “keeps you up at night” with Worry ____________________________?
***Fill out the information above, before moving on to the next section.


Dear _____1_____,

Do you know that I love you more than you could ever imagine? In fact, before I created the universe, I had you in mind. There has never been, nor will there ever be, another you. Your talents and personality were given exclusively to you, and they are what make you special and unique to me. I love it when you _____2_____! To see you smiling and enjoying life brings me great pleasure.

Now, I know that life isn’t always easy, and at times you’ve found it tougher than you expected. And some of the dreams you dared to dream, like _____3_____ seem silly now, or impossible, or too late. But don’t give up. Life isn’t over yet. I still have big plans for you.

I’ve also noticed your disappointment when you think about _____4_____. But don’t worry; I’m Greater Than that problem or any problem you have ever dealt with. I am Greater Than your hurts and failures. I am Greater Than your disappointments and fears. I am. Trust me.

So here is what I want to say to you. Come to me and I will carry you. I really mean it. You don’t have to do this on your own. I will carry you when the weight of life gets too heavy. I will carry you when you’re hurting and feeling alone in your pain. I will carry you when you’re afraid and not sure which way to turn.

If you’re ready, I’m ready. Just let me know. I love you more than you can imagine and I want the very best for your life.


The God Who is Greater Than


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