Sometimes I just cannot get in touch with my true story behind the feelings going on inside of me. It is at these times that I pull out the feeling wheel to help me get in touch at a deeper level about why I am feeling such intense feelings of whatever feeling it may be, sad, angry, hurt, resentful, insecure…
I find the word for the emotion I am aware of on the wheel and look at the other feeling words attached to it. This can help me pinpoint the feeling and then with the help of God, with prayer and sometimes time, I am often enlightened about why I am feeling this emotion so heavily. I call these my AHA moments or light bulb moments. I feel so close to God when he helps me see truth. Once I understand the story behind the emotion, it helps me not go into reaction over issues in my life. I now understand the reason why I feel so deeply around this and no longer have to project my feelings onto the current situation. The truth really does set you free!
Hope S.